Speak Life! is a valuable resource that will enable mothers to pray
for and encourage their daughter, daughter in-law, sister, niece,
cousin, and friend at every stage of their life. There are even devotions
concerning husbands and sons!
Chapter Headings Include:
Order your copy today! $12.00
I Will Survive in Jesus' Name! gives women the hope and encouragement needed to face and overcome domestic violence.
Oder Your Copy Today! $15.00
Domestic Violence Education: A Journey of Knowledge, Healing, and Empowerment
Domestic Violence Education: A Journey of Knowledge, Healing, and Empowerment workbook addresses the complex issue of domestic violence through five comprehensive units:
What's Love? Understanding Domestic Violence
Children: The Silent Victims of Domestic Violence
Teen Dating Violence: Alone, Afraid, & Abused
Reaching Out to Others: What Family and Friends Should Know About Domestic Violence
Survivors: Domestic Violence, the Law & Your Rights
"I am pleased to recommend your domestic violence curriculum. The curriculum is designed for victims of domestic violence as well as any other interested parties. There are five units in the curriculum. Each unit targets a different aspect of domestic violence yet covers similar material. Overall, this curriculum is based in the literature and incorporates appropriate teaching and learning strategies. I believe that this curriculum will be effective at achieving its goals and objectives. The curriculum is excellent" - Dana J. Hubbard, Ph.D., Department of Sociology, Cleveland State University.
Journaling is a therapeutic expression that allows you to work through your fears, anxieties, concerns, and emotions. Writing your thoughts down on paper helps you to identify stress-inducing thoughts and beliefs that are holding you back from moving forward in various areas of your life. It also helps you to identify toxic patterns of thoughts. Additionally, journals can be used to document prayer requests and petitions, favorite scriptures, intentions, and affirmations as well as words of encouragement.
Journals have many, personal purposes depending upon the needs of the writer. Most importantly, journaling forces you to slow down to put your thoughts on paper and provides an opportunity and vehicle for reflection, contemplation, and action. Start by purchasing a journal that you love. Our beautifully handcrafted journals are uniquely designed with you in mind. Each contains prompts, quotes, and thoughts to encourage and heighten your writing process. They also come with tags, pockets, and places designed to hold your scriptures, quotes, intentions, and other sentiments.
They are one of a kind; no two are alike. If you see one that you like, purchase it now; there’s no guarantee that it will be available at a later date! Give a journal as a gift with a pretty pen.
Notes of Life Journal
Love Journal
Black in the Game
Happiness Journal
Wisdom Keys Journal
Green of Heart Journal