P.O.W.E.R. Programs

Promoting Outreach With Educational Resources


Equally important to beginning the dialogue regarding teen dating violence are the steps taken to assess student knowledge before and after they have received prevention education; this involves filling in the gaps that exist as a result of distorted beliefs regarding love and healthy relationships. A multifaceted prevention approach is necessary to dispel the recurring myths around teen dating violence and to educate teens about abuse.


Teens often have difficulty recognizing verbal and emotional abuse, or do not have enough experience in relationships to know that abusive behavior is not normal or healthy.  Aphesis can help you to increase and reinforce awareness regarding dating abuse, while improving students self-concept, relationship attitude and behavior.

This curriculum focuses on the characteristics of healthy relationships through group discussion, role playing, etc. This program is facilitated in a small group setting to encourage students to ask questions, relate personal experiences, listen to and accept others' experiences, provide sympathetic understanding and establish social networks.

R.E.A.L. Love  

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The R.E.S.P.E.C.T. program focuses on elevating students self-concept by helping them to examine their feelings about themselves and others. Through small group interaction, activities, and discussion, students analyze the impact of cultural expectations and attitudes on their view of self.  Good character evolves from high self-esteem.